Capture learn to skate

For information about the BEST CanSkate (learn to skate) Program CLICK HERE

Our WINTER Canskate Program will be offered at:

Forest Glade Arena and Adie Knox Arena  


OR CALL ANGELA 519 979-1376 

PreCanskate is our learn to skate program for skaters 3-4 years of age and our Canskate program is our learn to skate program for 5 years of age an older.

CANPOWERSkate is for skaters who are interested in improving their power skating skills and who already have the following skills: skating forwards, backwards, stop and cross cuts.

PReSTARSkate is the introduction to the figure skating program for skaters who are working on stage 4 and have interest in figure skating skills


Skate Windsor  Program Schedule and cost for 1 day a week running  from September 11th, 2023 to March 10th, 2024 

PreCanskate/Canskate A Sundays– Forest Glade Arena 11:55pm- 12:45pm $270*-FULL

Canskate B Sundays– Forest Glade Arena 12:45pm- 1:35pm $270*-FULL

Jan 7- Mar 10

CanSkate  Mondays-Adie Knox Arena 6:10pm-7:00pm $245*-FULL

Jan 8- Mar 4

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CanSkate  Tuesdays-Forest Glade Arena 6:10pm-7:00pm $270*-FULL

PreSTARSkate Tuesdays– Forest Glade Arena 5:10pm-6:10pm $280*-FULL

Jan 9- Mar 5

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CANPowerSkate**FridaysForest Glade Arena 7:10pm-8:00pm $280*

 Jan 12-Mar 8

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PreCanskate A Saturdays– Forest Glade Arena 11:25am- 11:55pm $230*-FULL

PreCanskate B Saturdays– Forest Glade Arena 11:55am- 12:25pm $230*-FULL

CanSkate Saturdays– Forest Glade Arena 12:25pm-1:15pm $270*-FULL

PreSTARSkate Saturdays– Forest Glade Arena 1:25pm-2:45pm $300*

Jan 6- Mar 9

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Adult Skate Saturdays– Forest Glade Arena 2:00pm-2:45pm $260*-FULL

Jan 13-Mar 9

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Canskate B Sundays– Forest Glade Arena 12:45pm- 1:35pm $270*-FULL

PreSTARSkate Sundays– Forest Glade Arena 1:45pm-2:45pm $280*

Jan 7- Mar 10

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Multiple Day Packages are available

*These prices do not include the Skate Canada Fee of $60 per skater if applicable           

Skate Windsor is the only organization in the Windsor area that does not charge an additional fee for a payment made by credit card

Payment plans are available, please ask

For further information please email us at or call 519-979-1376.  Please leave a voice message and someone will return your call.

Megan holding hands with CanSkater